Black on Black is an audiovisual performance series consisting of live drawing accompanied by live electronic music. The surprising, archaic, tameless lines of Ceren Oykut, which tell stories of urban transformation, language and living beings, are accompanied by FezayaFirar's live synthesized electronic music.


  • 2024
  • 24.8 WerkStatt44 & Halle 13 present: WERKSTATT SHOW 2024, Berlin, DE
  • 2023
  • 7.10 Galerie neurotitan X BookPräsentation KAI / Black on black X KAI, Berlin, DE
  • 2022
  • 25.11 Silkworm Sessions, audiovisual album release performance (with generous support from Musikfonds), Apartment Project, Berlin, DE
  • 27.11 Eschschloraque Rümpschrümp, Black on Black X Yuko Matsuyama, Berlin, DE
  • 3-4.9 Draussen Stadt Festival, Berlin, DE
  • Twister: Finissage nGbK, Berlin, DE
  • 2021
  • City Kirche Offener St Jakob, part of the exhibition Fractured Spine, Zurich, CH
  • Black On Plague, live stream performance, Chromatic Wednesdays, Apartment Project, Berlin, DE
  • 2019
  • Salon Displaced Replaced, organized by Ipek Ipekçioglu and Renk Magazin, Radialsystem, Berlin, DE
  • Artlake Festival, DE
  • Rixdorfer Schmiede, 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival, Berlin, DE
  • Opening performance, SİS/In The Blink Of A Bird, nGbK, Berlin, DE
  • 2018
  • Survive/Auszeichnung künstlerischer Projekträume und initiativen 2018, Bar Babette, Berlin, DE
  • Kunstpunkt, Berlin, DE
  • Project Space Festival, Apartment Project, Berlin, DE
  • 2017
  • Vorspiel, Transmediale, Acud Macht Neu, Berlin, DE